Create a free Insurance AI auto blogging website with free wordpress hosting and domain

The YouTube transcript details the creation of a free, automated insurance blog using AI. The presenter explains how to obtain free WordPress hosting and a domain. Keyword research techniques for low competition and high cost-per-click terms are outlined.

The process of setting up a WordPress Automatic plugin and integrating OpenAI for content generation is demonstrated. On-page SEO techniques and blog design are also covered, aiming to monetize the blog.

The video provides a step by step walkthrough of how to create the website using free software, a free domain, and free hosting.


Free WordPress Hosting and Domain Setup

The video explains how to set up a free insurance auto blog using AI, with free WordPress hosting and domain. The domain, hosting, and plugins are all free, requiring only setup. The tutorial covers obtaining free WordPress hosting with a domain and SSL certificate.

It also includes keyword research for low competition keywords with high CPC, setting up the WP automatic plugin, and integrating OpenAI for free AI content generation. On-page SEO techniques and blog layout design are also taught. The process begins with registering for free WordPress hosting on

This free hosting account includes 5GB of data space, PHP 8.0, free subdomains, 400 MySQL databases, free SSL certificates, and unlimited bandwidth. It also offers free DNS servers and full .htaccess support. To register, you need to enter your email address, password, and re-enter the password, then click sign up.

A verification email will be sent to your provided email account, and you need to check your email and verify. After verifying the email, you can create a hosting account. The plan includes 5GB disk space, unlimited bandwidth, and limited hosted domains.

Domain Name Selection and Account Creation

To create an account, you need to choose a domain name. Available extensions include, .w.P, . এন্ড. ডিওবি.এস, and You can either choose a free subdomain or add a custom domain. If you opt for a custom domain, you’ll need to change the custom domain servers.

After selecting a domain, check its availability. Accept the terms and conditions, and then click on create account. The control panel will be ready, and you can click on finish. Access the control panel and click I approve. The dashboard of the control panel will then open.

Next, install WordPress on the free hosting account by clicking on the softaculous app installer. You’ll find the WordPress option there; click on install. Select HTTPS for the domain and install WordPress directly on your domain. Rename the site and add a site description.

Enter an admin username and password, and save the password. Provide an administrator email and click on install now. After installation, you can access the WordPress dashboard by clicking on WP admin.

Resolving Domain Registration Issues

If the WordPress site shows an error like “is not registered,” it indicates a DNS connection problem. It may take up to 72 hours for a new domain name or hosting account to start working, depending on the server. The video creator waited 8 hours for it to work.

To ensure proper connection, check the DNS settings in the hosting account. After waiting, refresh and log in to the website through the control panel. To log in, go to the control panel, click on softaculous installer, and select installations. From there, you can log in as admin to access the WordPress dashboard.

If the front end of the site appears empty, it means the WordPress dashboard is accessible, but the SSL is not installed. To install SSL, go back to the Infinityfree account and click on free SSL certificates. If your domain isn’t listed, add it and select ZeroSSL as the recommended provider, then create the order.

Request the SSL certificate, which may take a few minutes to initialize. After issuance, manage the SSL certificate and install it automatically on the domain. This process provides two keys needed to install SSL.

Installing SSL and Keyword Research

To configure SSL, go to the control panel and find the SSL/TLS option. Click on configure, and you’ll see fields for the private key and certificate. Copy the private key and certificate from the SSL certificate details and paste them into the respective fields.

Upload the certificate, and it may take a few hours to initialize the SSL. After installation, the site should have a secure connection with the HTTPS protocol. For keyword research, tools like Semrush are recommended.

In Semrush, use the Keyword Magic Tool and search for your main keyword, such as “insurance”. Filter the results by volume (500 to 10,000), keyword difficulty (very easy), and exclude terms like “https” and “http”. Select English as the language.

The results will display keywords with volume, keyword difficulty, and cost per click (CPC). High CPC keywords are particularly valuable. Export the list as an Excel file for later use. The video also mentions some free keyword search tools and websites in the description.

Using OpenRouter for Content Categorization is presented as an open-source alternative to GPT, offering access to models like Chat GPT4 for free. To use it, sign up with a Google account. After signing in, you can start chatting and select from various models, including Chat GPT4, Cloud 3, and Llama 3.0.

You can add new models and write prompts to categorize keywords. Use a prompt to categorize the keywords into five insurance categories, separated by commas. Copy the keyword list from the Semrush export and paste it into the chat.

The AI will categorize the keywords accordingly. Copy the categorized keywords and save them into a text file for later use. The categories mentioned include auto insurance, home insurance, health, business, security, and special insurance.

With the categories and keywords ready, you can proceed with website design, development, and API integration with OpenAI. Go back to the WordPress dashboard to begin this process.

Connecting WordPress with OpenAI

To connect the WordPress dashboard with the OpenAI API, navigate to plugins and click on add new. Upload the WordPress Automatic plugin, which can be downloaded from various sources, including the given blow link. Install and activate the plugin.

Next, go to posts and click on categories to add the categories created with AI. Add each category one by one. After adding the categories, go to WP Automatic and click on settings.

Here, you’ll connect OpenRouter with the WP Automatic plugin to automatically create articles. Find the Open Router API key section and go to your Chat GPT account to create a new key. Name the key (e.g., PK skills bot), leave it blank, and create it.

Copy the generated API key and paste it into the plugin settings. Save the changes. The final step involves automating article creation. Click on new campaign.

Automating Article Creation

In the new campaign, name it according to the category and select AI articles. Copy the comma-separated keywords from your file and paste them into the keywords list. Choose the appropriate category for the articles.

You can add tags by setting title words as tags. Add a prompt to automatically generate articles; a sample prompt is provided in the attached file. Paste the prompt into the designated area. Set the post type to “post” and the post status to “draft”.

Click on publish to start AI article generation. Set a time interval between articles (e.g., 5 to 7 hours or 500 to 700 minutes) due to API key limitations. Update the settings and run the campaign. The first article will be generated.

The generated article includes H2 headings, lists, and tags. The video emphasizes that the styling of these articles will be addressed later. To generate more articles, click on run for another keyword. It’s suggested to generate at least 30 articles per month.

Creating Multiple Campaigns and Basic Settings

To create campaigns for all categories, duplicate the initial campaign. After duplicating, refresh the browser and edit the draft campaign. Rename the campaign with the next category. Copy the keywords related to the new category and paste them into the keywords list.

Select the appropriate category and publish the campaign. Run the campaign to generate articles for the new category. Repeat this process for all five categories. The video creator added all campaigns and had several posts written across them.

After adding the campaigns, some basic settings need adjustment. Go to settings and adjust the site name and tagline. Add a site icon if desired. Adjust other basic settings and save the changes.

In permalinks, select “post name” and save changes. These are essential basic settings for the WordPress dashboard. Install and activate the Classic Editor plugin. Also, install and activate the Rank Math SEO plugin for SEO optimization.

On-Page SEO Optimization

To optimize posts, go to posts and edit the articles added by the AI campaigns. Ensure the post is 100% SEO optimized. Remove any unnecessary text from the AI. Remove blank spaces and optimize subheadings.

Edit the snippet to optimize the title and meta description. The title should be concise. Use OpenRouter AI to generate an SEO meta description under 160 characters, including a keyword. Paste the generated meta description into the meta description field.

Add a focus keyword, such as “home insurance”. Aim for an on-page SEO score above 80. The video suggests adding images to improve the score. Use to generate AI images for free. Create a featured image using the article’s title as a prompt.

Customize and download the generated image. Optimize the image using to reduce its size. Rename the image with the title of your blog post. Upload the optimized and renamed image as the featured image. Paste the same text into the alt text field.

Adding Images and Internal Links

Add images for each title within the blog post. Use the same image generation tool and process as with the featured image. Ensure the width of the media is set to full size. Add alt text to each image.

Add internal and external links to the content. For automatic internal linking, install and activate the Link Whisper plugin. Use Link Whisper to add internal links by highlighting text, clicking on link, and pasting the relevant URL.

The SEO score should increase with added links. The video creator achieved a score of 84, which is considered good for on-page SEO. After optimizing, publish the blog post. Preview the blog to see the optimized layout.

Optimize all articles one by one, adding images and internal links. Customize each article for better formatting. On-page SEO optimization is crucial for ranking. Each blog should take about 10 minutes to optimize.

Website Design and Theme Customization

To improve website design, go to appearance and click on themes. Install and activate the News Blogger theme for a quick design update. The homepage style will change significantly. The design is not the main focus of the video.

To customize the theme, click on customize. You can change social icon links, text, and the site logo. The highlight section can be changed to “latest”. Categories can be set for the left, center, and right corners.

The latest posters appear in a specific area. The right sidebar can be customized by adding or removing content. The footer area can also be customized. Update all data by clicking on publish.

To add a navigation menu, click on menus. Create a new menu (e.g., Cat Menu). Enable categories in the screen options. Add all relevant categories to the navigation menu. Set the menu as the primary menu and save. The categories will appear in the navigation bar. This setup allows visitors to easily navigate through different insurance categories.



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